A better and safer way to educate students

· COVID-19

9 reasons that make HIGHER PSP a better choice for youth and families.

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According to a study made by Brian D. Ray, PH.D. at the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI), in a research facts on homeschooling, homeschool fast facts published in January 15, 2021. "Most parents and youth decide to homeschool for more than one reason The most common are the following:

1. Customize or individualize the curriculum and learning environment for each child,

Every student is unique at HIGHER PSP. Along with students and parents HIGHER PSP advisors develop personalized specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound education plans that are unique to the student's educational goals. Students chose from over 420 courses to prepare to take final proctored exams administered by different organizations such as the College Board, Excelsior College, San Thomas State University, Statistics.com, Prometric, Study.com, and others. All in addition to the ability to dual enroll at community colleges while enrolled at HIGHER PSP.

2. Accomplish more academically than in schools,

At HIGHER PSP, students are given a higher educational reach and a serious competitive advantage due to the fact that they can get into graduate schools or the professional workplace at a younger age. This is possible since the high school diploma students get from HIGHER PSP is designed specifically to guarantee the transfer of 30 and up to 114 college credit to thousands of regionally accredited colleges and universities. Students are also able to focus their studies in more than 134 college major.

3. Use pedagogical approaches other than those typical in institutional schools,

While HGHER PSP provides guidance, advising and coaching in addition to the video based courses and quizzes, parents and students on the other hand can decide in the best why to gain the needed education.

4. Enhance family relationships between children and parents and among siblings,

We value time at HIGHER PSP. We save our students time in two ways. In one way, students only spend 15-20 hours per week in study time. Additionally, every course taken at HIGHER PSP is a dual credit course that gives students college credit as well. The time saving gives students much more time to spend with brothers, sisters and in family activities.

5. Provide guided and reasoned social interactions with youthful peers and adults,

The additional available time saved can be also used to participate in many social activities that aligns with the family values and goals. Or can be utilized in practicing sports, art or other activities.

6. Provide a safer environment for children and youth, because of physical violence, drugs and alcohol, psychological abuse, racism, and improper and unhealthy sexuality associated with institutional schools, and

HIGHER PSP's online school, is the safer schooling approach. Families can protect their kids from bullying, physical violence, drugs and alcohol, and psychological abuse that at least 20% of students that attend public schools have reported according to studies. This is in addition to protecting children from the exposer to unhealthy sexuality.

7. As an alternative education approach when public or private institutional schools are closed due to acute health situations such as related to disease (e.g., Covid-19, Coronavirus)

HIGHER PSP, is founded in 2021 to help families cope with the negative impact that is affecting their kids education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Studying online at HIGHER PSP, minimizes the health risks that are associated with the pandemic.

8.Protect minority children from racism in public schools or lower expectations of children of color (e.g., black) (e.g., Fields-Smith, 2020; Mazama & Lundy, 2012).

HIGHER PSP is a better learning place for minorities. For example, 40% of Muslim students reported bullying as a result of their belief as reported here, While 20% is the average national rate of students that report bullying in the USA, the additional 20% that Muslim students reported was due to being a minority.

9.Teach and impart a particular set of values, beliefs, and worldview to children and youth." (Ray, 2021)

HIGHER PSP, in an inclusive high school where families can align their world views and beliefs to their education plans. We welcome students from all religious backgrounds. HIGHER PSP saves students the needed time to participate in religious studies, rituals and volunteering activities without affecting their academic education progress. For example, a Muslim student is able to plan to learn and memorize the holy Quran during the 6 years from grade 7 to grade 12 with a perfect alignment with the study plan.

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For all the above reasons, we believe that HIGHER PSP, is the best school choice that can be made for high school and college education.

For more information, contact us now!