For Adult Learners

We'll help you achieve your life goals

· Adult Learners

Higher education at a lower cost of freedom, time, money

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Higher education

Regardless of whether or not you already graduated from high school, HIGHER PSP, will give you the higher education reach you deserve. At HIGHER PSP, we help students create Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound (S.M.A.R.T.) educational plans.

Here are some benefits;

  • We'll help you create a specific goal
  • Increased confidence and focus
  • Over 130 college major
  • The most popular areas of study
  • A catalog of over 600 course
  • Enroll in thousands of colleges and universities
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Lower cost of time

We value time at HIGHER PSP. Here is how we help;

  • Grab a high school diploma while studying for college
  • Use previously earned college credit
  • 5 terms a week
  • 8 weeks a term
  • up to two courses per term
  • 15 hours of weekly study time per course
  • Short 5-8 minutes videos and quizzes
  • Skip what you already know
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Lower cost of money

Save thousands in higher education costs. HIGHER PSP Costs $5,000 per year for up to 30 college credits. That is at least a %60 tuition fee cut when compared to the national average education cost. 

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Much lower cost of freedom

HIGHER PSP is all about making your education relevant to you, your interest and your life style.

  • Your own S.M.A.R.T study plan
  • Your own educational goals
  • Take courses at multiple college but a degree from the one you like
  • Study anytime and anywhere
  • Android and iPhone apps
  • We'll help you achieve your life goals
  • Debit free is a possibility when studying at HIGHER PSP

Don't wait and start now. We are here to help!